Quality fastening technology


At the service of renewable energy

The use of renewable energy sources is becoming more widespread today, largely due to the realisation that the sources we have been using are not only running out, but are also polluting the environment.

Of all renewable energies, solar energy is the most dynamically developing, and solar PV is the most widespread solution.

As solar technology has developed rapidly in recent years, solar power plants have become a sought-after solution as a power generation system.

Thanks to the rapid development of technology, further progress in the use of solar energy is expected in the future.

Solutions for solar panel mounting

Our young, dynamically growing company offers a solution for mounting solar panels, be it:

  • clay or concrete pots,
  • with corked plate,
  • with trapezoidal plates,
  • with potted plates,
  • sandwichpaneles,
  • flat roof or
  • ground installation.

Our aim is to promote reliable, high-quality and affordable support structures, and to protect our environment. We believe in environmentally responsible and long-term solutions. Quality is our number one priority, so the products we manufacture and distribute are made exclusively from aluminium and stainless steel.

Our main products:

We welcome enquiries from contractors and investors alike to ensure that we provide the right support structure to meet their needs.

We hope you will like our products and that you will soon be one of our satisfied customers.

Viktória Szücs-Kiss, Managing Director

István Szücs, Managing Director
